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AKC 2023 Turkey Trot

What is it?  The AKC FIT DOG Turkey Trot is a virtual 5K (3.1 miles) that people do with their dogs. This non-competitive 5K Turkey Trot can be done all at one time, or in smaller segments on multiple days so that everyone (people and dogs) can...


CAR CAMPING SURVIVAL GUIDE By: Sarah Stern So you wanna go to dog shows, but campers are expensive, and so are hotels and airBNBs. And then it occurs to you: you can camp in your car! Which in many cases, is actually a decent option. I bought a transit connect LWB...

Summer Reading List

Summer Reading List By Jessica Freni Read your way to being a better breeder, trainer and exhibitor! Summer is in full swing whether you're heading to a show or trial or just lounging at the beach here are some books to bring dogs along wherever you are: Solving the...

Breed Spotlight-

Breed Spotlight- Bem-vindo to the Brazilian Terrier By Jessica Freni Welcome Brazilian Terrier to AKC FSS status! Thank you to breed resource Livia Krainer for sharing this fun little terrier with ADF. "The Brazilian terrier has a still uncertain origin. It is most...

Controversy and Contention for Crossbreeding Plans

Controversy and Contention for Crossbreeding Plans By Jessica Freni Several breeds have been the target of criticism regarding overall health and breeding ethics, largely due to popularity and the large number of dogs of these breeds who are poorly bred, fad colors,...